UF Data Studio Publications

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Pre 2023 | 2023 | 2024
πŸ“• = conference | πŸ“œ = poster | πŸŽ’ = workshop


Chen Zhao, Kai Jiang, Xintao Wu, Haoliang Wang, Latifur Khan, Christan Earl Grant, Feng Chen. Algorithmic Fairness Generalization under Covariate and Dependence Shifts Simultaneously. In the Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). Barcelona, Spain. 2024. πŸ“•

Alexander R. Webber, Zachary Sayers, Amy Wu, Elizabeth Thorner, Justin Witter, Gabriel Ayoubi, Christan Grant. Analyzing Finetuned Vision Models for Mixtec Codex Interpretation. The 4th Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas (AmericasNLP). Mexico City, Mexico. 2024. πŸŽ’ [pdf] [poster]

Yang Bai, Anthony Colas, Christan Grant, Daisy Zhe Wang. M3: A Multi-Task Mixed-Objective Learning Framework for Open-Domain Multi-Hop Dense Sentence Retrieval. The Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING). Torino, Italy. 2024. πŸ“• [code]

Amy Wu, Morgan Cobb, Victor Perez, Christan Grant, Jeremy Waisome. Guided Undergraduate Training for Shark Segmentation (GUTSS). A Poster in the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGSCE). Portland, Oregon. 2024. πŸ“œ [pdf] [bib]


Chen Zhao, Kai Jiang, Xintao Wu, Haoliang Wang, Latifur Khan, Christan Grant, Feng Chen. Fairness-Aware Domain Generalization under Covariate and Dependence Shifts. ArXiv Machine Learning. 2023. [pdf]

Chenguang Xu, Sarah M Brown, Christan Grant, Chris Weaver. Hybrid Tree Visualizations for Analysis of Gerrymandering. International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC). Lake Tahoe, NV, USA. 2023. πŸ“• [pdf] [slides] [bib]

Chen Zhao, Feng Mi, Xintao Wu, Kai Jiang, Latifur Khan, Christan Grant, Feng Chen. Towards Fair Disentangled Online Learning for Changing Environments. In the Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). Long Beach, CA. 2023. πŸ“• [pdf] [bib]

Yan Liang, Christan Grant. TAED: Topic-Aware Event Detection. The 64th International Studies Association Annual Convention (ISA). MontrΓ©al, QuΓ©bec, Canada. 2023. πŸ“•

[Updated on May 29, 2023]
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