Blog Posts

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From Mixtec to Medicine

Mar 21, 2024
Applying transformer-based architectures across domains.
An image of page 19 of the Zouch-Nuttall Mixtec Codex

A Look at the Mixtec Semasiographic Writing System

Aug 29, 2023
An overview of who the Mixtec were and how their semasiographic writing system was used in codices.
An image of Siri not understanding speech.

The Automatic Speech Recognition Inclusivity Dilemma

Aug 20, 2023
Why ASR models don't transcribe all varieties of speech with the same accuracy.
An image of shark segmentation

SharkAI Guided Undergraduate Teaching Shark Segmentation (GUTSS) Application

Aug 19, 2023
A deeper dive into the beginnings of the SharkAI GUTSS applications
An image of the UF McNair community

What a Year to Be McNair

Aug 15, 2023
A look at the 2023 McNair Summer
An image of a gerrymandered district in Texas.

SharkAI at the Florida Museum of Natural History

Jul 17, 2023
The UF Data Studio members had the opportunity to speak at the SharkAI workshop.
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