Blog Posts

Check out the Blog Posts from the UF Data Studio.
Shine's dissertation bridging two fields.

Statistical Anomaly Discovery Through Visualization

May 11, 2023
Shine's dissertation bridging Statistics and Visualization.
An image with three different categories of disfluencies.

Text datasets containing disfluencies

Jan 10, 2023
Exploring data sets in NLP that contain disfluencies.
Using RecipeGPT to generate a recipe for chocolate mousse.

Now Cooking with RecipeGPT- Exploring a Generative Machine Learning System

May 12, 2022
How to use RecipeGPT to generate a (delicious?) recipe.
Examples of speech-to-text models

Building a speech-to-text model using Transformer library from huggingface

May 2, 2022
How to build a speech-to-text model using Transformer library from huggingface.
An image of a gerrymandered district in Texas.


Feb 14, 2022
How germandering impact elections and hoow to detect it.
A possible research direction from SJ.

Language Documentation and Revitalization

Feb 10, 2022
How language revitalization and documentation can be made accessible.
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