UF Data Studio @ AI Days 2023

By Dr. Grant on Oct 17, 2023
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During the week of October 16th, 2023 th University of Florida held at celebration of all things artificial intelligence at the AI Days. The week had talks, competitions, and a lively poster session. Three groups of the UF Data Studio presented posters on their current research.

GUTSS Poster

GUTSS research poster. Figure 1 - GUTSS Research Poster.

We collaborated with the UF Engineering Education department on a project called SharkAI Guided Undergraduate Training for Shark Segmentation (GUTSS). Previous research concluded that teachers were willing to integrate AI concepts with students in the classroom as long as it complied with the state standards. The aim is to build a semantic segmentation tool for shark anatomy lessons in middle-high schools.

Voice Data Poster

Voice data research poster. Figure 2 - Voice data research poster.

The voice data poster showed the on going project to study the differences in African American Venacular English in across regions and their representation in large language models.

Mixtec Codices

Mixtec data research poster. Figure 2 - Mixtec data research poster.

The Mixtec codices showed current progress develop classifiers to detect figures in Mixtec codices.

All three posters describe early stage research. We are excited to share the work and gain new collaborators.

Go Gators!

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