CAP 5771 Spring 25


This is the web page for Introduction to Data Science at the University of Florida.

Exam 1 Prep

CAP 5771 — Intro to Data Science — Spring 2025

This document is to guide you in your preparation for Exam 1. Below we describe the exam format, the topics covered, and the resources you can use to prepare. The exam is meant to serve as a checkpoint to ensure you are grasping the material we have discsussed up to this point. We will have a exam review during the class period before the exam.

Exam Dates and Times

If you are enrolled with Dr. Grant, you will have a two day exam; part 1 will be Wednesday, 2/26 and part 2 will be Friday, 2/28. If you are enrolled with Dr. Cruz, the full exam will be help in-class on Thursday, 2/27. Students taking the Thursday exam will take parts 1 and 2 on the same day.

If you need exam accomodations, please register with the DRC and let me know as soon as possible DRC Registration | Accommodated Testing. Please refer to the Syllabus for details on conflicts, illnesses, etc.

What to bring to the exam

In the exam, be prepared to bring and use the following items:

Exam Format

The exam will be partially multiple choice and partly free response. You will not need a ``cheet sheet’’ for the exam. The exam will be strictly paper based. Some questions may involve Python or library operations but they will not require the recollection of overly specific syntax.

Topics Covered

The exam will cover the broad topics discussed in class. Any material distributed is fair game. Professors may have emphasied some topics more than others, but all topics are important.

Enumerated Resources


Codio Modules

Sample Exam Questions

Other questions

The questions that make it to the exam will be similar to the questions in the sample exam questions. Below are some questions formats that we expect.

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